Friday, December 13, 2013

Team News: Week of December 9-13

This week:  In Literacy, we read a nonfiction piece called “Words Add Up to Success.”  This is a true story about an inner city school teacher, Jaime Escalante, who motivated his students to do great things.  His story was turned into a movie, Stand and Deliver.  We focused on distinguishing between fact and opinion.  In math we continued to focus on division.  I am happy to say that everyone seems to be catching on!  In Social Studies, we learned about quilt codes and how they helped slaves along the Underground Railroad.  Each student was able to make a quilt square the will be part of a class paper quilt.  Look for pictures coming soon to our class blog!

Next Week:  We will not have a literacy story.  Instead we will be doing a mini-unit on Christmas around the World.  Students will be learning about different countries’ Christmas customs and traditions.  In math, we will be taking our Unit 2 test.  While this means we will be moving on to equivalent fractions after the break, we won’t be abandoning multiplication and division.  On Friday we will have our holiday breakfast and book exchange.  On Friday afternoon we will watch The Polar Express and have cookies and hot chocolate.

Important Dates Coming Up:
December 18:  Book order due…please make checks payable to Scholastic Book Club or myself
December 20:  Holiday Party
December 23-January 1:  Christmas Break

Don’t Forget:  to practice multiplication facts, read 20 minutes, and complete homework!  

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