Friday, December 20, 2013

Team News: Week of December 16-20

This week:  We had a festive week learning about Christmas traditions from countries around the world.  We traveled to Mexico, Italy, France, Germany, and Holland.  While visiting each country we learned about their traditions and made a craft.  We also listened to some Christmas music in different languages.  Ask your child who La Befana is.  See if they can tell you something about each of the countries we visited.  In math, we took our Unit 2 assessment and our Unit 3 pretest on equivalent fractions.  In Social Studies, we completed our quilt project by putting it together and hanging it in the hall.  It looks amazing!

Next Week:  We resume school on January 2nd and will ease our way back into the swing of things.  We will not have a literacy story.  We will begin learning about equivalent fractions.  In Social Studies we will begin our new chapter about NH in the 20th century. 

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