Friday, June 5, 2015

Who Am I?

Our class has been working extremely hard on our "Who Am I?" presentations for the last 2 months.  Each student had to choose a famous historical figure, research the person, create a slide show, and make a puppet to represent their famous person.  Their final products were presented to the class, faculty, and parents this week.  I'm so proud of each and every student; they did an amazing job!  The presentations were better than I ever could have imagined! 

We learned about 25 different people that have changed the world in some way.  Harry Houdini, Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, Shel Silverstein, George Washington, and Ben Franklin are just a few.  Ask your children about all the different people they learned about!

1 comment:

  1. It was an amazing project, the kids have the opportunity to learn about different people, but also practice public speech, use of technology. .
