Saturday, September 13, 2014

Team News: Week of September 8, 2014

Well we survived our first 5 day week!  The kids had a very busy week!  We read "The Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein," a funny story about a young boy named David who wanted to change his name because it was too common.  In the end he learns a valuable lesson...ask your child what it was.  In math, we finished up working on place value and comparing numbers.  In social studies we learned about the state symbols and celebrations.  We designed New Hampshire license plates.  We continued to work on showing the three B's around school.  As a class we were able to earn 5 bees!!!!The kids were awesome and worked super hard while I was doing some beginning of the year assessments.  I'm hoping for another great week coming up!


  1. Thank you for doing this blog. I love reading about what the kids are learning and doing all day. (Justin's Mom)

    1. Thank you Melynda! I love doing it! I will try to update weekly
