Friday, September 19, 2014

Team News: Week of September 15, 2014

Another great week!  The kids worked so hard this week during literacy and intervention.  They did a great job working independently so that I could continue to work on some beginning of the year assessments.  The good news is that I'm completed my beginning of the year assessments and next week can get back to normal.  In math we worked on rounding and estimation.  This should be more of a review but I've noticed quite a few kids struggling with the rounding concept.  We will continue working on this next week.  In Social Studies we started talking about the geography of NH and NH's regions.  This sets us up to take notes on the regions and get ready to do our first picture writing assignment. 

Wednesday, September 17 was Constitution Day.  We took quite a bit of time Wednesday to learn a little bit about our Constitution.  We read a readers' theater that focused on the bill of rights and other important amendments and our three branches of government.  We also did a little "Constitution Day" scavenger hunt where students had to answer questions by finding the answers hidden around the room.  Finally we watched a video about our Bill of Rights.  Please take a moment to ask your child if he/she can tell you one fact about the Constitution.

I'm looking forward to another great week.  As a quick reminder...there is an early release next Friday (Sept. 26).  Students are dismissed at 12:45.

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