Friday, February 7, 2014

Team News: Week of February 3-7

This week:  In Literacy we read “The Life and Times of the Ant.”  We learned how ants interact socially, how they communicate, and that depending on their ages they have different jobs.  In Math, we continued working with equivalent fractions and began comparing fractions with like denominators.  We also talked a little about comparing fractions with unlike denominators.  In Science, we learned about different tools that scientists use to measure.  We also learned about the scientific method.  

Next Week:  In Literacy, we will read “Ima and the Great Texas Ostrich Race.”  We will focus on the comprehension skill of using text clues to draw conclusions.  In Math, we will review unit 3 and take our test.  We will also take our pretest for Unit 4 (adding and subtracting fractions).  In Science, we will begin learning about classifying living things.  We will also do a variety of activities around the Winter Olympics. 

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