Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Climbing Mount Everest

     What is it like to climb the tallest mountain in the world?  The 4th graders have been finding out during library with Mrs. Coulter for the last few weeks!  Today they learned a little more about what it's like to mountain climb when Jake St. Pierre, an experienced mountain climber came in to talk about some of his adventures.  Students saw a power point presentation that included pictures of Mt. Everest and other peaks in Nepal.  They also saw pictures of familiar mountains like Kearsarge and Washington. The 4th grade students and teachers got a laugh when Jake made me put all his mountain climbing gear on (it was a great look for!

     On March 21st Jake will be leaving for Nepal again, this time for 65 days.  He will be part of an 8 person scientific research team.  They will be climbing Lohste and Mt. Everest.  We will be lucky enough to follow this adventure!  We all wish him the best of luck!

     Check out some pictures from the presentation...

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