Saturday, November 23, 2013

Team News: Week of November 18-22

This week:  In Literacy, we read a humorous fiction story called “When I Went to the Library.”  We focused on making inferences about the story’s events and characters.  In math, we continued working on our multiplication facts and began working on division.  We are learning different methods to solve division problems.  In Social Studies, we finished up our chapter on the American Revolution and took a chapter test.  We also created a fakebook page for General John Stark.  

Next Week:  We are in school for a quick two days before a nice five day break to celebrate Thanksgiving with our families!  We will not have a regular literacy story.  Instead we will using Thanksgiving stories to practice some of our comprehension skills.  We will also be doing a variety of Thanksgiving activities.  In math, we will take our unit 2 assessment.  In Social Studies, we will begin learning about slavery and the Civil War.

Important Dates Coming Up:
November 25:  Book order due
November 26:  First term ends
November 27-29:  Thanksgiving break
December 2-4:  Parent/Teacher Conferences
December 6:  Report cards go home

Don’t Forget:  to practice multiplication facts, read 20 minutes, and complete homework!

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