Friday, November 14, 2014

Week of November 10-14

Wow!  We have been busy 4th graders these last few weeks!  It's been awhile since I've updated my blog and I apologize for that.  I'm going to try to catch you up on all the fun things that have been going on in our classroom since I last posted! 

On Monday we had a Veteran's Day assembly to honor those brave men and women who have served in the armed forces.  The students learned about who, why, and how we celebrate on Veteran's Day.  They were encouraged to thank Veterans and their families for the sacrifices they make for us to enjoy our freedom.  We began reading a story called "Mystic Horse" and will continue with this story into next week.  Our story assessment and spelling test will be on Tuesday.  In math we have been working on multiplication and division.  It is a difficult concept for most kids but they seem to be catching on!  This week we began focusing on long division.  In Social Studies we have been learning about what life was like in Colonial New Hampshire.  Students picked a colonial trade and had to make a sign to identify their job. 

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