Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Abenaki

In Social Studies we have been learning about the Abenaki, the Native Americans who lived in New Hampshire long ago.  We have read about what life was like in the Abenaki village.

Last week we were lucky to have Miss West, a practicum student from Plymouth State, teach a lesson about wigwams.  The class learned about why the Abenaki built wigwams, what materials were used, and how they were made.  They also got to "build" their own wigwam.

Today we had a special visit from Gunner's mimi, who belongs to the Abenaki tribe.  She spoke to the class about Abenaki life.  The kids were able to see pictures and artifacts and heard traditional music. What made this even more special was that Gunner, who recently earned the right to dance at pow wows, wore his traditional headdress, clothes, and moccasins.  It was nice to see him as proud as he was to share this important part of his life.  It is very obvious that he is truly proud of his heritage.

Here are some pictures:

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