Friday, September 13, 2013

Team News: Week of Sept. 9-13

We survived our first 5 day school week!  It was another very busy week!  Even with the all the rain and the really hot day your children were very focused and ready to work!  Check out what we learned about this week:
Literacy:  We read a fiction story called The Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein.  It was a humorous story about a boy named David who wanted to change his name because there were too many kids named David in his class.  Ask your child to tell you more about it.  With the story we focused a lot on character, plot, and setting.  We put our work plan into action and your children were able to work on that during centers.  I'm still working out the kinks with the work plan but it's coming along.
Picture writing:  We began to learn some techniques that can be used when we begin some of our picture writing projects.  Your children were introduced to the salt, scratch, and tissue cloud techniques.  They all were able to use the water color paints to practice these techniques.
Math:  We continued to work on unit 1 in math.  On Wednesday we used the computers to do the math DIBELS.  This is an assessment to help me determine strengths and weaknesses in math.  Everyone did well!  We focused a lot on place value, rounding, and What's my rule.  Our unit 1 test will probably be next Wednesday.
 Social Studies:  We began chapter 2 in our New Hampshire books.  We talked about our place in the world.  We identified our planet, continent, country, state, county, and city.  We created a Me on the Map book to show what we had learned.  We also talked about Physical and Human features of NH.  Ask your children about the activity we did in Social Studies on Thursday.  They all seemed to enjoy it!

Just a quick reminder...the book order is due on Sept. 25 if you want to place an order.  Also, Phys Ed is on Thursday...SNEAKERS need to be worn!


  1. I love the Friday reflection! Thank you for keeping us informed! :)

    1. Thanks Stephanie...I'm glad to see so many parents getting involved!

  2. I keep hearing about Clubs on Fridays, could you explain what they are? Thanks!

    1. Hi Jackie,
      The clubs on Fridays are to give students a chance to experience an activity that sounds interesting to them. The "clubs" take place during regular school hours (1:40-3:00). The sessions run for about 6 weeks and then students will have a chance to pick another activity to try. Some choices include: Zumba for kids, newspaper, arts & crafts, board games, and many others.
