Friday, October 23, 2015

Halloween STEM Challenge

Today my students were challenged to build a catapult that would launch a candy corn pumpkin the farthest.  They had to work in groups of 3 to design, build, test, and make adjustments to their catapults.  This was a fun but challenging task and it was great to see the different designs.  Check out the pictures...

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Pumpkin Carving

This week our class carved pumpkins to be on display at the Laconia Pumpkin Festival.  We are hoping that our pumpkins will help the Laconia Festival break the world record!  Check out some pictures...

Friday, October 16, 2015

Squam Lake Science Center

On Tuesday the 3rd grade took a field trip to Squam Lake Science Center.  It was an educational and fun field trip for everyone!  We were lucky to have most of the animals awake and moving around when we walked the trail!  Our presentation on predators was fantastic as well!  Check out some pictures!