Wednesday, September 16, 2015

An "Apple" a Day....a Donorschoose Project

Just letting everyone know that I have set up a donorschoose project to help raise money for two iPad minis for our classroom.  These iPads will be used to enhance literacy and math instruction.  Any and all donations are greatly appreciated but  not necessary.  The link to the page is below:

Welcome Back!

It's been a crazy first couple of weeks in room 107.  We have spent time getting to know each other, learning classroom procedures, and diving right into learning!  In literacy we have been working on comprehension skills, spelling, working with words, and some writing.  In math we started our unit on addition and subtraction.  Go Math is our new math curriculum and it is a little bit more difficult than what your children may be used to but we are getting the hang of it.  In science we have been studying weather.

I'm looking forward to an excellent school year with your children.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me!